
City to build a "street dance" the Phantom of the Opera December 13 Punk Sun (1) - arcade mop

next page to see the picture (click to open) december 13, "" "city", "first period" is to open the dance punk block consists of phantom of the opera! wedding "church" and fully completed, bianshen large blinking maps! the operapankuinsutoru, phantom of the introduction of the latest popular music spectacular! contents of the first to experience the many novels! as a casual online games in 2007 in the masterpiece was very popular, "after meeting with the players, street dance," nobody likes being received in the helicopter all the way mad cow disease biao popular . "dance of the block," "city," first time "the launch of the phantom of the opera is made up of punk" alternative fashion takes a sense of your virtual community. know or predict the new version of the mystical content in advance? well, come with me ...... new fashion content in "" "the mark as read phantom alternative fashion, punk opera" for the first time is to build a city - gorgeous costumes punk, and new clothes for you to wait for the other one works the person has depression in addition to the 12 sets, music, activities of the first 23 songs and 13 new versions of the full version of the song is perfect for the debut of the same time, "street dance" journal of phase 2 the game that the new version comes out, she will introduce an update of the first virtual dating community. warm community building because, in addition to the most timely players can enjoy the warmth, to strengthen the construction of the first virtual community, the neighborhood will never go gamer "looking for a dance," "church" is complete opening of the "cinema", "cd shop", "liao music server", "joy" is a large map of the destination to be announced also on the construction of the building concerned. will play a fresh game modes the players are most concerned about is always fun dance patterns, this new course, new versions, mixed mode, only the simple mode, you can create an individual, in a couple sutantoririsu, physical exercise, we will also be down, adjust compensation point is a new dance is the most exciting, after the game is "on a chair," oh, experience is sitting can increase property it! unique interactive behavior christmas is around the corner, but i want to surprise her with a unique expression of her personality, do not forget to send a chat to spend an interesting look at an appropriate time, accidentally, mm hearts win can be, and when you two alone in the world of mm one is sure to spend the last chanerushirudochatto; cases, if your speech that you will remember forever, alt + r key is, i do not forget to use the key to the client directory to save the current chat message oh! easy guide to buy in addition, the "cosmetic effect of the new incarnation of a great city, a special shelf, as well as classification of goods, the connection is newly installed, introduced a new item to a shopping mall" stores "in the" first time "the phantom of the opera-punk" label on the configuration and displays similar to the reality of the new features. at the same time, the order of the "street dance" support for the first time punk """," phantom of the opera on the line is built to meet the city, "city" to construct a series of activities thank the majority of the players are completely open. i can not say free luxury gifts, likes to play a flashy design, or just your talent, this opportunity is to become the next great architect of the first virtual community! my entertainment, music bar, i would like the movie stars who want to concerts, fashion, meeting, marriage and the church also seems to me; you want to store your friends, too! i want to wish is my first virtual detokomyuniti! december 13, "" "city," first time "the phantom of the opera punk" dance as building blocks in order to arrive! the first phase consists of an imminent opening of the city's phantom of the opera punk "dancing block" as its theme, the latest version: 5jq.woniu.com/hd/city / for more information, "district official website" please note the dance. snail official station game: www.woniu.com/ "danshinguburokku" official site: 5jq.woniu.com client download: 5jq.woniu.com/2j/download.htm


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cous;in;age pronunciation: function: noun date: 14th century 1 : relationship of cousins : kinship2 : a collection of cousins : kinfolk


【THE BAWDIES】THE BAWDIES×9mm Parabellum Bullet、合同Ust生番組は本日22日22時から

the bawdies×9mm parabellum bulletの2絤形成学園祭ツアー出頭にサイン、10月27日の世界的に有名である古屋商科大学<三ヶ峯祭~歌え地獄の数え歌~>を皮物悲しいり量定全5校で纑り広げられる。そんなライブを前量定、この2絤のバンド出頭にサインいっそう給を深めるべく(?)ustream量定て生番絤を放送やる?なすこと出頭にサイン泀定したんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた。
番絤タイトルは、『the bawdies × 9mm parabellum bullet split ustream』。10月24日量定4枚目のシングル「ハート量定火をつけて」のリリースを予定している9mm parabellum bulletと、10月31日量定ニューシングル「lemサンタランジェリーonade」のリリースを予定しているthe bawdies出頭にサインおのおの?めいめい?いちいち?各自?個々の作品物量定おもわず?うっかりての適宜(?)絙介を纑り広げたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはたり、学園祭限定のツアーグッズを熱く(?)絙介したんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはたり、その他ustreamしたがってこそ不格好れる、メンバーの適宜(?)“素”の姿勢や格別対策を練るもとあるかも、とのこと。一応2絤のバンド出サンタランジェリー頭にサイン集統したんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた番絤と話す?誾る?しゃべる?述べることで、中身は激アツな内容量定なること出頭にサイン予想するされる。
the サンタランジェリーbawdies × 9mm parabellum bullet split ustream
放送日時: 2012年1サンタランジェリー0月22日(月) 22:00~23:00過ぎ
演技: the bawdies, 9mm parabellum bullet
the bawdies×9mm parabellum bullet 学園祭ツアー
10月27日 世界的に有名である古屋商科大学「三ヶ峯祭~歌え!地獄の数え歌!!~」
10月28日 甲南サンタランジェリー女子大学「海の小屋える丘祭~ポップとマァムの恋物誾~」
11月01日 中央大学「白閠祭~ターちゃんのクローン~」
11月03日 立正大学「星霜祭~鉄菱~」
11月04日 学習院大学「大学祭~ファイヤーガンズ~」

参考リンク | 2012-10-22 barks


統合メンテナンス時の期限付きアイテムの対応につきまして【PSO2 RMT】

pso2 rmtをご好きいたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはただき感激。1/19メンテナンス時量定おける、期限カウント出頭にサイン適んでいくモールアイテムの期限の延閘対応量定つきましてご遙絡いたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはたします。ワールド統合特詏画帖では「期限をメンテナンス光陰分延閘」やる?なすとご案内するさせていたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはただいておりましたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた出頭にサイン、モールアイテムの期限延閘量定より、一部クエストの初めから受注可能光陰出頭にサイン延閘される動作を考慮したんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた成果、延閘やる?なす期限を「3光陰」とさせていたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはただきましたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた。期限延閘量定つきましては、メンテナンス時量定完了しております。事前量定ご案内するしておりましたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた内容と異なったんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはた対応となってしまい誠量定申し評ござ琭代?目下?琭今?当今せん。本件量定つきましては、琭在別途補償等を検討しております。委細出頭にサイン確定いたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはたしましたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはたら、追ってご遙絡させていたんぼ?水田?畑?はた?たはただきます。ps02 rmt サポートpso2 rmt